Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 9, Post 20 You Tube

Well, this is supposed to be about You Tube, but I just discovered how to change fonts and print colors on this blog, so I have to mention that. It is amazing what you can figure out if you open your eyes.

I looked around on You Tube and saw lots of entertaining things, but not a whole lot of substantive content. I especially looked at some of the library related things. The "get a library card" commercial where the boy uses his library card as a noisemaker in the bicycle spokes is cute. He really gets "the look" from that librarian. I also like the Super Librarian. If I could shelve as fast as she does, we would get things done a lot more quickly! Cookie Monster was bemoaning the absence of cookies in the library. He obviously missed storytime at Crosby today. The Thanksgiving party for the children featured lots of cookies plus popcorn, fruit, and lemonade.

It is frustrating to navigate the site since our site restriction query keeps popping up. "Press continue if this is work related." Too bad this annoying question couldn't have been suspended for the duration of the exercise. Also, after watching some of my coworkers pull their hair out for the last two days trying to open accounts and download videos to their blogs, I decided to avoid the optional exercise altogether.

As far as application of this technology to the library website is concerned, maybe we could have a contest to create a commercial to promote the library system. The creations could be downloaded onto our website and then judged for originality, humor, or other factors and the winners could be given special recognition on the website. Perhaps we could even get some of the TV stations to air the winners as public service announcements.

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