Tuesday, March 25, 2008

#30 Spring Cleaning

I have finished cleaning my files on the P and Z drives. I did not have very many documents saved, but I cleaned out old timesheets and mileage forms for 2007 from the Z drive, and also deleted some files from the P drive. Some old Task Force and LPC documents from several years ago were also deleted. I had never saved anything to the S drive since I usually am not sending large files. I did copy my Monthly Branch Reports folder to the S drive, and then deleted it as directed in the ihcpl assignment. I found some old branch and children's narratives from 2001, which had been dumped into my Monthly Branch Reports folder, and I deleted those. I created a new folder for a file containing Crosby Library History, which had been filed in the wrong place. I believe this completes the requirements for this exercise.

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